![]() 11/02/2017 at 15:18 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
When is it recommended to use a battery tender? My M3 usually goes 3-6 weeks in between drives in the cooler months. My mother’s C5 barely gets driven at all during the fall/winter. She killed a brand new battery last winter, so I’m guessing it makes sense for her, but should I get one too?
I finally bit the bullet and bought a PS4, and the latest CoD. I’m picking up the console on the way home, but CoD doesn’t come out until tomorrow and I’m not just going to sit and look at it all night tonight. So...what game should I pickup? I’ve been an Xbox guy for the last 4 years or so, are there any PS only titles worth a look?
A blue clown shoe for your time.
![]() 11/02/2017 at 15:25 |
If the car is going to sit for more than a month then I would put on a trickle charger permanently. We do on all my grandparent’s vehicles since they spend 9 months out of the year in Mexico. Just drive the car inside and plug it in and forget.
While driving around the capped plug just hides under the hood waiting for storage time.
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Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4 only) and Titanfall 2 have been two great games I played recently.
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If it’s going to sit for more than 2 weeks at a time I’d throw it on a tender. Really it’s not that big a deal to hook one up for permanent use.
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I use a basic DieHard tender on the 348. I thought about a hard wired option but I like that I can move it from car to car. I usually just plug mine in after every drive even if I drive every week (once the car cools down). It’s cheap/easy insurance against killing a battery and straining your alternator.
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If your in question... Do it. They aren’t expensive enough to worry over
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I have no data to support what I am about to say.
I like battery tenders. I put my “older” cars on them between drives, when I remember. This both helps those with questionable charging ability (all of them) and those that don’t get driven much or for very long. I was, at one point, led to believe that it can take as much as 30 min to really recharge a battery after a start, so most commuting/ puttering doesn’t accomplish this.
The downsides of tenders are (A) when you forget to unplug them and start backing out only to realize your mistake (all of mine have dents/ scuffs from this behavior) and (B) no matter how long your cord is, it is slightly too short.
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Also buy Battlefield 1. It is awesome!
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She definitely should, and your battery will be much happier too.
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That is why you hard wire each one
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I was thinking that or the new Wolfenstein
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I’ve used the small tender (looks like just a wall transformer) to charge dead cars in the driveway. Maintains full sized batteries even on cars with a power draw problem.
My co-worker is hooked on Warframe. I’ve played it on PC. It’s a free game made by Digital Extremes so naturally it’s actually fun. I was hooked most of summer but put it down recently.
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That is what I should have done, originally. Now that I’m down to two cars, it’s less of an issue. I should just wire the 348 and call it a day haha.
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Oh, and DON’T be tempted by the Advance Auto Parts knockoffs. The plugs aren’t actually standard size and the unit itself lasted me less than a year. Battery Tender or NOCO are good.
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Well I was really disappointed in the last COD, but the new Battlefield is just awesome!
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I’ve been disappointed with COD since the original black ops, but I keep buying them because my friends have them and I’m a sucker for zombies! I think battlefield will be it.
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I think Black Ops 2 was the last one I enjoyed.
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i thought i killed a battery this summer and got a desulfator and it was amazing. i am reluctant to get tenders but the desulfator really worked well
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You should pick up anything but CoD.
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That’s the plan as I’m picking up CoD tomorrow;)
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Trade it in for Destiny 1. They should be about the same value
But srsly I’ve heard nothing but good about HZD. RE7 is bloody awesome as well and Titanfall 2 is an excellent shooter (probably one of the most polished available these days).
I’m an Xbox guy so I don’t get HZD. You should let me live vicariously through you :)
![]() 11/02/2017 at 16:12 |
BlOps II was the last good CoD IMHO. Ghosts could’ve been great if they had have ever fixed that shitty shitty spawn shit shitty bullshit.
But they didn’t. Now we have jetpacks and pay-to-win weapons. See what happens when you don’t fix shitty spawns?
![]() 11/02/2017 at 16:17 |
I have a Battery Tender from back when I used to store my 135is in the winter.
I have a Black & Decker 15 amp charger from when I started reflashing my 335xi ECU with MHD because the fuel pump runs continuously when flashing the ECU. Except now MHD disables the fuel pump when flashing so you don’t really need the charger anymore.
Which is all to say that I have two perfectly good chargers that don’t see much use at all.
But...it was nice to have the 15 amp one when I accidentally killed the battery in my wife’s Impreza when we left it at the Milwaukee airport the last time we flew to DC to visit my parents. It was totally dead when we got back to Milwaukee and I had to get a lot attendant to jump it. I didn’t immediately remember what had been left on and suggested that maybe my wife had done something to drain the battery.
Then about 20 minutes into our drive back to Madison, I decided I wanted to plug my phone in to charge, and then remembered OH SHIT, IT WAS ME, I LEFT THE DAMN READING LIGHT ON WHEN I WENT TO GRAB THE PHONE CHARGER AT THE LAST MINUTE. I apologized right away.
The battery got a pretty decent charge from the 80 mile drive home but I hooked it up to the 15 amp charger just to make sure it was all topped up.
All of which is to say, hey, these things are cheap, you might as well have them around if you have any kind of reason to use them.
![]() 11/02/2017 at 16:27 |
Hah, but I love zombies.
Is HZD an RPG? Ya boi has a very short attention span for such games.
I was going to go with Battlefield 1, but a friend just told me that it’s super difficult which I will HATE. So leaning toward Titanfall now
![]() 11/02/2017 at 16:32 |
RE7 is much better zombie :)
Yeah HZD is an action RPG. Long play, lots of stuff to do from what I hear. And Battlefield isn’t hard as it is more realistic than CoD . Bullet drop is a thing. The weapons act like their WW1 counterparts. But flying around and harassing infantry is a blast, so is riding horseback and spearing people in the chest :)
Titanfall is fun regardless, I can’t fault you for that purch.
![]() 11/02/2017 at 16:36 |
Didn’t even know there was a new Resident Evil, thanks!
Re: HZD if it’s anything like fallout, I’m out. I thought I would love it, but I didn’t. Fortunately/unfortunately, my wife LOVED fallout and I didn’t get to play any games for a month or so haha.
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I fucking hated the jet packs. Years of not playing I was so terrible and confused I returned it the same day. The people playing were giant jackasses on com too.
I just want BOII back, maybe remastered?
![]() 11/02/2017 at 16:52 |
Planning on getting the 0.75a tender for the motorcycle. Wherever it decides to spend its winter. $26 is slightly better than a new battery and way better than having to dig out the old one in whatever weather to replace it.
![]() 11/02/2017 at 16:57 |
Oh, damn you gotta play RE7. It’s NOTHING like 4-6. So good with the lights off and the sound blasting
As far as HZD goes I’ll let someone who has actually played it chime in. I hear it’s like The Witcher
![]() 11/02/2017 at 16:57 |
Me too! Hey it’s backward compatible, wanna run a round or two? I still have it installed :)
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You should use one. Even the nice ones are cheaper than a cheap battery. You can get an extension cord (with the SAE ends) so you can keep the actual charger far away from the car. With a SAE quick connect mounted to the battery, it’s a 2-second operation each time.
![]() 11/02/2017 at 17:01 |
Hah well she’s moved on to the Witcher 3 after fallout so I had better stay away from HZD for now. So many choices!
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It is? Shit I’ll have to buy it again lol. My PS tag is CaptDale
if anything we could play BF1
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GTA V should be super cheap right now and it looks excellent on PS4. And it’s really well done if you’ve never played it before.
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I’m IT Jerk. I do BF, BlOps II, Destiny 2, and other random games
Fight me on Sonic 2
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Oh I should say I’m on Xbox.
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Boo you whore!
that is CaptDDale i do believe.
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The guy with a 400 gamerscore and, like, two games played?
GIT GU* Ahem sorry got something in my throat. Added :)
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It is 440 ok...
I only have Xbox to play Oppo Forza when I can make it to the races... Which is usually only Le Mans cause I work Saturdays.
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Well if you come across a copy of BlOps and wanna get down with some pwning, do let me know :)
![]() 11/02/2017 at 22:23 |
I work with a guy that uses one of those battery tenders on his motorhome (Ford E chassis with the v10) and an old beater pickup - swears by them. I personally am hesitant to let anything sit that long w/o starting and running it to let fluids circulate, etc, etc.
![]() 11/02/2017 at 23:47 |
I love it haha, but I have it for xbox one. I’ve heard that its better on PS4 but I don’t think I can justify buying it a second time.
![]() 11/03/2017 at 08:15 |
I would definitly put it on the c5. if it sits for weeks. it wouldn’t hurt on the m5. i always notice my 914 putts up quicker when i have the tender on.
if buying a battery, optima used to have a special for their $90 charger for free. with an meter
![]() 11/03/2017 at 08:19 |
I went with Titanfall 2, it was only $20 and the selection wasn’t great at best buy. I played the campaign for a couple of hours last night, it’s great!
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